I would like to export the italian word “rivoltella” into the english language because when talking about revolvers produced in Italy it is correct to use this italianism. In the english language there are some italian words regarding weapons like “stiletto” and “lupara”, that come from Italy. The revolver is a type of pistol with a revolving cylinder that was invented in 1835 by the american inventor Samuel Colt although some claim it was invented two years beforehand by the italian inventor Francesco Antonio Broccu. In the italian language the english word “revolver” was attested for the first time in 1858 and 1862 according to some italian dictionaries. Whilst the italian calque “rivoltella” was coined in 1860 by an italian priest and writer Antonio Bresciani and became incorporated in the italian dictionaries in 1872. According to some rumours the italian word “rivoltella” comes from the name of the italian master gunsmith of Glisenti, Vincenzo Rivolta who invented in 1874 the Chamelot-Delvigne revolver. If the english lexicographers can accept the italianism “rivoltella” in all the english dictionaries the plural can be the same as in italian “rivoltelle” or in the adapted form “rivoltellas”. In the past many italian words have been accepted into the english language such as panino, tramezzino, pizza, etc. For me it is very difficult to understand the criteria necessary for words to be incorporated into the english language, so if anybody has any information on how this is possible I would be very grateful.
(Daniel Saja, Edoardo Bianchi, Officina 025 ONLUS)